1st Contact QuestionnaireBasic questions to determine your immigration options Fill the form below Name Email Address WhatsApp Number Age Month of Birth Month of BirthJanuaryFebruaryMarchAprilMayJuneJulyAugustSeptemberOctoberNovemberDecember Highest Level of Education Highest Level of EducationLess than secondarySecondary school credentialOne year post secondary school credentialTwo year post secondary school credentialThree year or more post secondary school credentialTwo or more post secondary school credential with at least one being 3+ yearsMaster'sPhD/doctoral Certificate What other post secondary qualification do you have (please list ) How many years of full-time work have you obtained in the last 10years OUTSIDE Canada? How many years of full-time work have you obtained in the last 10years OUTSIDE Canada?12345678910 Most Recent Job Title Have you written the IELTS Exam? Have you written the IELTS Exam? Yes No Reading ReadingLess than high basic (IELTS 2.5 - 3)High basic (IELTS 3.5)Initial Intermediate (IELTS 4 - 4.5)Developing Intermediate (IELTS 5 - 5.5)Advanced Intermediate (IELTS 6)High Intermediate (IELTS 6.5)Initial Advanced (IELTS 7)Advanced (IELTS 8+) Speaking SpeakingLess than high basic (IELTS 3 - 3.5)High basic (IELTS 4 - 4.5)Initial Intermediate (IELTS 5)Developing Intermediate (IELTS 5.5)Advanced Intermediate (IELTS 6)High Intermediate (IELTS 6.5)Initial Advanced (IELTS 7)Advanced (IELTS 7.5+) Listening ListeningLess than high basic (IELTS 3.5 - 4)High basic (IELTS 4.5)Initial Intermediate (IELTS 5)Developing Intermediate (IELTS 5.5)Advanced Intermediate (IELTS 6 - 7)High Intermediate (IELTS 7.5)Initial Advanced (IELTS 8)Advanced (IELTS 8.5+) Writing WritingLess than high basic (IELTS 3 - 3.5)High basic (IELTS 4 - 4.5)Initial Intermediate (IELTS 5)Developing Intermediate (IELTS 5.5)Advanced Intermediate (IELTS 6)High Intermediate (IELTS 6.5)Initial Advanced (IELTS 7)Advanced (IELTS 7.5+) Are you Married? Are you Married? Yes No Spouse's Highest Level of Education Spouse's Highest Level of EducationLess than secondarySecondary school credentialOne year post secondary school credentialTwo year post secondary school credentialThree year or more post secondary school credentialTwo or more post secondary school credential with at least one being 3+ yearsMaster'sPhD/doctoral Certificate Do you or your spouse have a sibling (brother or sister) who is a Canadian citizen or permanent resident, who is currently living in Canada and is 18 years of age or older? Do you or your spouse have a sibling (brother or sister) who is a Canadian citizen or permanent resident, who is currently living in Canada and is 18 years of age or older? Yes No Any Other Relevant Information? We are the sole custodian of the information collated from this questionnaire. We only have access to information that you voluntarily give us. We will not sell, rent or share your information with any third-party company. Your information will be used solely for the purpose of offering our opinion based on your request. Opinion offered after this questionnaire are our opinion and should not be construed as legal advice or legal documentation. We are the sole custodian of the information collated from this questionnaire. We only have access to information that you voluntarily give us. We will not sell, rent or share your information with any third-party company. Your information will be used solely for the purpose of offering our opinion based on your request. Opinion offered after this questionnaire are our opinion and should not be construed as legal advice or legal documentation. I have read and understood the privacy policy 2 + 15 = Submit +1 (403) 493-9686 info@thesuccessfulimmigrant.ca thesuccessfulimmigrant@gmail.com Join Our Newsletter We bring you practical steps that help you settle easier and faster in order to achieve your life goals. Thank you for joining our list. We promise not to spam you. Email Subscribe